Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Learning Curves

After a long two years, myself and Klara have at long last finally managed to complete our design sketching book, Learning Curves. :) The last months just before the summer holidays were pretty intense, with many working nights lasting well in to the early hours. So far everyone who has seen the book has been impressed, which has of course been good to hear, and is something that we certainly have to thank our contributors for! The work they offered us for the project is a pretty inspiring collection, so thank you all.

Of course, i also want to thank everyone who put up with my strange working hours, unsociable last 6 months and general stress level! I took a long summer vacation and it was a perfect way to round off the project. Of course, now comes the long task of publicising and selling the book. So, on that note, please pop along to the website (www.designsketching.com ) and have a look, and you can also join our facebook page ( http://www.facebook.com/DesignSketchbookLearningCurves ) as well. Dont forgot to buy a copy as well! :)

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