Travelled to germany to visit some friends, and to surprise john for his 30th birthday. Must say thanks to Andrew, Melissa and "Mads" for putting up with me and Paul for a couple of days. And for letting us have a key so that we could come back from johns party at 8 in the morning. Paul, i dont think anything will ever beat our 4.5 hour journey home from that party!!! After the party went down to Pauls place and visited his new baby, Lucy. Also got to see Pauls flash new house. Unfortunatly I didnt get any pictures since i spent most of my time relaxing and sleeping in until way past noon. Thanks for letting me do that Carmen. It was a lovely time, and i look forward to coming back in the warmer weather. I may even help Paul with a bit of digging in the garden if he is lucky!! You will have to send me some pictures of the house, see if I can do an "artists" impression of what it could look like. Give you something to aim for Paul. Finally, thanks to Sue for arranging the surprise party.....and not getting too annoyed at my efforts to blow out the candles on Johns cake. Now.......who is going to arrange my surprise brthday party?? April 5th for those who have forgotten!! I hope though that nobody has to endure the length of journey it took to get back. Paul, it was a 12 hour journey back from your place. Two trains, a bus, a plane, a bus, a tram and then a walk. There must be an easier way?!
Ermmm Allan, 12 hrs from a small town in southern germany to your playboy mansion in central Gothemburg seems reasonable enough to me. You could drastically reduce the hassle/time by using a private helicopter, but when was the last time you splashed out?
Now Paul, you may have a point there! Still, it did seem like a long time....although I am not complaining....I had a great time! However, private helicopter?? So when are you lot getting over here again anyway.....seems to me that there has been far too little in the way of reunions these days!!!
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